MSC Cruises and its staff have always been attentive to the needs of their guests, and constantly strive to offer the best possible service, meeting international accessibility standards.
For information on the assistance provided on board and at our port terminals, please consult the sections below.
You can also find information related to special needs in the General Booking Conditions, the Conditions of Carriage and in the FAQ section.
Informing us on any mobility, medical and dietary requirements
Gæster kan informere MSC Cruises om eventuelle særlige krav ved at udfylde den relevante formular online og hos alle akkrediterede rejsebureauer. Disse oplysninger skal helst gives på bookingtidspunktet eller mindst to arbejdsdage før afgang. Dette giver os tid til at yde den bedst mulige service til vores gæster, hvilket afhænger af de faciliteter og ressourcer, der er til rådighed om bord på hvert skib. Hvis vi får besked efter denne frist, vil vi gøre alt for at levere de ønskede tjenester, men det er ikke sikkert, at det er muligt med så kort varsel.
Download formularen til særlige behov
Booking gennem et rejsebureau: dokumentationen skal sendes direkte til dit rejsebureau.
Booking via vores hjemmeside: dokumentationen skal sendes til følgende adresse:
Gæster vil kun blive forhindret i at booke eller gå om bord under ekstraordinære omstændigheder, og kun i tilfælde af en alvorlig eller presserende trussel mod gæsternes eller besætningens sikkerhed.
Alle personlige data fra gæster vil blive behandlet på en måde, der er i fuld overensstemmelse med vores privatlivspolitik. For yderligere information om de tjenester, der tilbydes om bord, om hvordan du informerer os om særlige behov eller andre krav, der ikke udtrykkeligt er nævnt i dette afsnit, bedes du kontakte dit rejsebureau.
Cabin Facilities
Accessible cabins, fitted out especially for guests with disabilities and/or reduced mobility, are available on every ship in the fleet. Guests requiring an accessible cabin can request it at the time of booking.
The accessible cabins are larger and offer more space for movement than regular cabins, and come with extra facilities and equipment to meet special needs.
Check the facilities available on your preferred ship: MSC Armonia, MSC Bellissima, MSC Divina, MSC Fantasia, MSC Grandiosa, MSC Lirica, MSC Magnifica, MSC Meraviglia, MSC Musica, MSC Opera, MSC Orchestra, MSC Poesia, MSC Preziosa, MSC Seaside, MSC Seaview, MSC Sinfonia, MSC Splendida, MSC Virtuosa.
Reduced Mobility
All decks, public areas and tenders are designed to be as accessible as possible for guests with reduced mobility. There might be ports or tender services you may not access with a mobility device as we cannot lift it. In addition, there are varying numbers of specially fitted-out cabins available on each ship in the fleet. For safety reasons, guests requiring assistance may be requested to travel with a carer, depending on the specific route.
Wheelchairs are available on board our ships, for the use of guests during embarkation and disembarkation only, or in case of emergency. Guests that require constant use of a wheelchair or any other form of support must bring their own equipment with them. It is the responsibility of the guest to check with the relevant producers/suppliers that this equipment is safe to take on board and use on a cruise ship, and to organise both its delivery to the departure terminal in good time for embarkation, and its collection at the end of the cruise.
For detailed information on the ports of call and excursions suitable for passengers who experience mobility problems, read the relevant pages in this section, and once on board check the accuracy of the information provided.
Visual Impairments
MSC Preziosa, MSC Divina, MSC Splendida and MSC Fantasia have Braille signs in public areas, in lifts and at the entrance to the cabins; all the ships have deck indicators in the lifts and fully accessible public areas, decks and tenders. For their safety, and depending on their level of disability, guests may be requested to travel with a carer or guide dog.
For detailed information on accessible shore excursions, read the relevant pages in this section, and once on board check the accuracy of the information provided.
Hearing Impairments
For safety reasons, guests with hearing disabilities must travel with a carer. Passengers with partial hearing disabilities can travel alone, only if they request the installation of a TDD System kit in their cabin. This kit, available in limited numbers on all ships, includes light and vibrating devices, a text phone and an analogue alarm clock.
Furthermore, wireless amplifiers and indicator lights are available in the theatre (only some Vessels apply). Indicator lights are also available in the lifts.
Service Animals
Suitably trained and certified guide dogs are allowed on board all ships, assuming that they are in a good state of health and possess all necessary documents for entering the foreign countries visited during the cruise.
The guest will be informed in advance about the accommodation made for the animal, the facilities available (if required) and the embarking and disembarking procedure.
The guest is personally responsible (with the aid of the carer if applicable) for the custody, feeding and general care of the animal during the whole stay on board.
Guests undergoing peritoneal dialysis treatment can travel as normal, bringing with them all medicines and equipment that may be required during the cruise. The relevant medical treatment is available through the on-board medical facilities.
Equipment and machinery for haemodialysis treatment will only be carried on board by specialized independent companies on certain routes. For further information on this service, please contact your travel agent.
Children with Special Needs
Children with special needs have normal access to all on-board services and facilities. Although the entertainment staff do not offer a childcare service, they are trained to provide a wide range of entertainment aimed specifically at children.
All children, including those with special needs, are assigned to a certain entertainment area depending on their age. If necessary, children or young people with special needs can be placed with a lower age group (with the agreement of their parents), or they can take part in specific activities, together with their parents if required.
Special Diets
MSC Cruises holds a certification for its food safety management system in accordance with ISO 22000 standard requirements.
MSC Cruises offers a gluten-friendly selection on most of its ships.
On MSC Armonia, MSC Sinfonia, MSC Opera and MSC Lirica guests can find only a limited selection of pre-packaged gluten-free snacks such as, biscuits, croissants, sponge cakes and muffins.
Please check availability when booking.
Guests with food intolerances and/or allergies must inform MSC Cruises of their needs via the Special Needs Form and, once on board, confirm their requirements at Reception-Guest Service and/or with the Maître d’hôtel.
Kosher meals (pre-packaged breakfast, lunch and dinner) may be available on board for an additional charge starting from €25 pp/day. Kosher meals can be consumed in the main restaurants and must be booked at least 3 weeks before ship’s departure.
Halal products (beef, lamb and poultry) may be available on board following former request of the guest at least two months before departure;